Sunday, April 25, 2021

MAKHANIYO PARVAT - Mountains are calling us!


                   MAKHANIYO PARVAT -  Mountains are calling us!


         We hope that you are safe and sound at home and taking the necessary precautions. As per Charlie Mackesy, “We are tired, but dawn is coming. So hold on.” This too shall pass.  This trip was back in January, but it’s so close to our heart. It was our first mountain climbing together. 


                    makhaniya parvat mountains are calling us

       It was a foggy, chilly winter morning and kids wanted to climb a mountain. Sheel thought of Makhaniyo parvat and I heard it for the first time. It is beautiful Rocky Mountain near Sukhi dam reservoir. The road up to the mountain is amazing, full of greenery. 


      We parked our car near the temple just at the base of the mountain and started our hike. You just need to pass a small bridge on the canal and few fields and then u will be at the base of the breathtaking beauty in form of you.  It is entirely of rocks with scanty vegetation. Just like its name - Makhan means butter in Gujarati...

                                   makhaniya parvat - mountains are calling us

                                   makhaniya parvat , mountains are calling us      

                                  makhaniya parvat , mountains are calling us

              The only downfall of this hike was that I stopped after reaching at 3/4th of the top as my shoes were not supporting me. The hike is pretty steep at places and the rocks are quite smooth so it was slippery. And we really felt that when our tea thermos tumbled was scary...

                                              makhaniya parvat , mountains are calling us

                                              makhaniya parvat , mountains are calling us

                                     makhaniya parvat , mountains are calling us

                 Sheel and the kids went up to the top...and we were so proud of them to finish their first hike so easily. I enjoyed my view and peace from where I was sitting. I could feel every second of that calmness in every cell of my body. It was so soothing. 

                                          makhaniya parvat , mountains are calling us

      It took me back to the lockdown days when I penned down this poem. Sharing it will all of you. 

It’s like mountains are calling me

I am enjoying at home 
This is my happy place 
It gives me peace 
It gives me sanity 
Amidst all chaos
Amidst all noise
In the corner of my home 
I am at ease 
The comfort which  is unseen
The comfort which is routine 
I don’t want to go out 
I don’t want to meet friends 
I am not missing socializing 
I am not missing any blaze 
Among my pillows 
Among my books and chai 
There is nowhere
I would rather be
The comfort which  is unseen
The comfort which is routine 
When I look at the pictures
Of scenic Himalayas
I miss that serenity 
I want that tranquility 
The joy of that  serendipity 
pleasure in that  odyssey 
In the world of reality 
They nurture us with lucidity
I get goosebumps here 
By the feel of that breeze 
Tears in my eyes
With joy, they appease 
Their mesmerizing beauty 
Their charismatic charm 
And here I am 
In the corner of my home 
I am at ease 
There is nowhere 
I would rather be 
It still feels like 
Mountains are calling me.....

                So to fulfill that call, that sound, we went on this trip, and surely it was accomplished fully!!!



Height: 400 meters

Distance from Vadodara:  102 km from Vadodara, 2 hours 30 min. 

Care to take:

   - It is a lonely place. So better to go in a group. 

   - Good hiking shoes are better. I can definitely elk you from my experience 

   - You can take a local person as a guide with you. We did'nt. But in hindsight, it would have been better. 

   - I think it will be difficult in the monsoon because of the slippery surface. 

    - Take the proper amount of water and fluids with you. U will need plenty. 

    - Plan ahead as it will be a tiring day with a 60-90 min one-way journey. But every second of it will be worth it. 

          We are definitely going to repeat this hike again this winter as I definitely want to go to the tabletop mountain and do camping there. What about you? 

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