Sunday, January 30, 2022

Neja: Mini Kerala of Gujarat

Neja: Mini Kerala of Gujarat         



            Have you ever felt a cold winter morning breeze taking you to the mountains while you are sipping tea in your balcony, ocean waves passing under your feet while you are walking with your kids on rainy streets, feeling you are in a live concert with an audience of 50,000 while you are watching songs on youtube in your living room? Because wherever you go or wherever your mind wants you to go, your heart always finds a way back home.  A home is a place for someone or a person for some. It's always about the journey, rather than a destination. Journey with the people we love, journey with the people who understand us and to whom we belong. Because our destination will always be Home. And one such journey took us to Neja.

       It's not a spot, it's not a point, rather it's just a village you pass by, a road that takes you somewhere... Hundreds of tall tody palm trees reaching to the sky, whispering to each other, blue sky with white fluffy clouds, sun peeping from the clouds, sunrays kissing the yellow rice farms below, and you with your loved ones grasping all positive energy surrounding you...




        This is what Neja is about. Some calls in Mini Kerala of Gujarat, some calls it Mini Goa. But to us, it is just a serene peaceful morning that we want to pack in our backpacks and take home. We came to know about this place when we were going to Khambhat. It is very near to Khambhat and once you reach near to the village you will feel the difference in atmosphere. You want to turn off that AC and pull down those windows, you want to get down from the car and start walking down the road. We did it... we did it all and we loved each and every moment. 


           There is one lake ahead with Mahadev temple. That's it... Just a stretch of 2-3 km. But you will be amazed to see such beauty so near to you. 


        So whenever you are going near Khambhat just spare a few minutes and get lost in this beauty. 





location of Neja:


Ajwa Dam Reservoir: Old is Gold

Ajwa Dam Reservoir: Old is Gold                                    Hi,                             We hope you all are good and enjoying the...