Sunday, May 16, 2021

Kavi Kamboi - Sunset filled with hopes and dreams

Kavi Kamboi - Sunset filled with hopes and dreams 
       What can we say about this place? It is mesmerizing and serene that no words will do justice to its beauty...
                             kavi kamboi stambeshwar mahadev jambusar

          Again we wanted a quiet place and we wanted to watch a sunset, rather we wanted to feel it...what better place than the Gulf of Khambhat... Kavi Kamboi is the place where the Mahi river opens into the Gulf of Khambhat. We can’t appreciate where the rivers end and where the sea starts... the gentle waves give you a feeling of the sea but the patience of water suggests the presence of river within...Isn’t it true in our quotidian life? We always search for waves of happiness and euphoria, but that subtle peace, small enjoyment, and contentment are so near to us...we run quite far yet it’s within us... just as the river aims to reach the ocean, she passes her entire journey, but the ocean is herself only...
                                        kavi kamboi stambeshwar mahadev jambusar

                                        kavi kamboi stambeshwar mahadev jambusar

           The beach in the vicinity of the temple is so clean, quiet, and peaceful. There is another small Meldi Maa temple near the main Stambeshwar Mahadev temple. We parked our car there and went up to the main temple walking. We didn’t go into the main temple and see the submerging of the Shivling as we wanted to avoid the crowd and we are surely going to visit again for that...

                                          kavi kamboi stambeshwar mahadev jambusar

                                          kavi kamboi stambeshwar mahadev jambusar

           So if you are planning to avoid the main temple then this is the perfect secluded and tranquil shore for you. You can easily build your small cocoon and enjoy your evening like us...
                                                   kavi kamboi stambeshwar mahadev jambusar

                                                    kavi kamboi stambeshwar mahadev jambusar
               And then it happened...the sun was slowly descending towards the horizon, changing the shades of the sky just like shades of fire...Giving us new hopes like colors in the sky... Hopes for the new day... Hopes for a better tomorrow...Hopes for the new beginning after hypnotizing end... Giving us hope that all ends are beautiful, we just need eyes to find our favorite color among them...It’s not the sad end or doom feeling but the beauty in front of us that matters... Making us realize that we are nothing in this vast universe, just a mere speck...And as the setting sun can give us new aspiration and a new promise of another day, we ourselves can certainly do that for us!! As Kafka said, “Everything that you love, you will eventually lose, but in the end, love will return in a different form."


                                      kavi kamboi stambeshwar mahadev jambusar

                                      kavi kamboi stambeshwar mahadev jambusar

              So please do visit whenever you can and visit around the time of sunset. Just sit with your friends or family, take a breath and relax and just thank the universe for giving us such beauty which we ignore on daily basis... thank Mother Nature for creating such miracles without fail...You will feel blessed. Blessed to just be alive!!!

Location - Shree Stambheshwar Mahadev Temple -

Distance from Vadodara:2 hours 7 minutes

Points to consider : 

- You can definitely avoid it in summer and during day time as there is no place with shade in the vicinity. 

- The main temple is an important religious point of view so you will not be quite isolated there. 

- Please check the tide timings as you might not enjoy much during low tide. 
to check tide status please check:

- The beach in between the main Stambeshwar Mahadev temple and Meldi Maa temple is quite clean so please keep it that way. 

- While going you can take Canal Road, it’s beautiful, but it’s lonely and can be dangerous also so please avoid it at night or if you are going alone. You can take the state highway from Jambusar. 

On the beach, small flying insects are there may be due to saltwater, so please take mosquito repellent spray for kids. 

          That's all from our side. will meet you all again next week with a new place...


  1. Yes. I have been there when my college organized free health camp.. It's beautiful and peaceful... Must visit 💜

  2. Wow..awdome time sure will go


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