Monday, January 24, 2022

Turkheda : Hill with view of Narmada

Turkheda : Hill with view of Narmada



          Slowly and gradually kids are understanding the importance of preserving nature and ways to protect her. We are trying our best to sow the seeds. Now the growth of the plant depends on many factors. For example, after understating the pros and cons of flying kites on Uttarayan last week, they were proud of themselves that they have saved at least a few birds. But their enthusiasm went downhill when their peers made fun of them for going out on festival days. And so Shaurya being Shaurya took a printout of news stating how many people and birds were injured during the festival to show it to his friends. We are proud of the way they have handled things.  Hope we are doing the right thing and not keeping them away...

         Anyways, as I have already stated,  on the day of Uttrayan, we went to two amazing places near Vadodara -  Turkheda hill and Hafeshwar. 


        Turkheda is a hill near Kadipani, from which we can appreciate the beauty of Narmada. Our favorite river passing serpiginouly along the hills. The drive up to the hill is a little tricky with a few stretches of raw roads. But with little raw roads comes more beauty and the view is so scenic that you want to take pictures at every turn. 


      To go up to Turkheda, you have to take a left turn from Mogra primary school. After that, the road is pretty much clear. We tried to trek down from the hill and to go up to the river bank but it is quite far.  This is the Mogra primary school. You can take a left turn from here. 


      There is a small temple of Dev Mogra Mata or Moghi Mata at the top with unfinished construction of a big temple. the place seems very safe but better to go before it gets dark as you will not find many people on the way.

So that's it. Short visit to Turkheda.

Thank you.


Ajwa Dam Reservoir: Old is Gold

Ajwa Dam Reservoir: Old is Gold                                    Hi,                             We hope you all are good and enjoying the...