Sunday, February 6, 2022

Calm Chaotic mind : Panam Reservoir

Calm chaotic mind: Panam Reservoir    



         What shall we do when our minds go blank? for some it's just exercising, walking on empty roads, running on the streets while for some watching Friends or Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai again and again. Some find peace in soulful music while freshly baked vanilla muffins will be quietude for some. When we think about peace, we want to calm our minds and want some 'sukoon' among all chaos and all negativity in our surroundings, we march towards the water. And so we decided to go to Panam Reservior one weekend. 




            What can I say about this place?  The beauty in front of us was ineffable.  It has the tranquility of water in the reservoir lake while turbulence of water in the downstream river and tall hills protecting them on either side soothing our shouting minds and placating our racing hearts.   



            To reach the Panam reservoir you need to take a small right turn just before the toll on Modasa-Godhra Highway. The road to the dam is serene and deserted. There is a sunset point at the dam for which you need to climb around 250-300 steps. The view from hill is amazing. 




             The best part was a road along the small canal. There is a small canal (Panam left canal)  on one side and Panam river on another side with the narrow serpentine road in between best for offroading. So if you are an adventure enthusiast or biking lover this is the road for you. 



            We were planning to go to Satkunda waterfall after this but the person at the dam suggested visiting it in the monsoon so we skipped it and we hope to visit it in this monsoon. Do you have any travel destinations in mind for the near future? Do you hope to travel more and more in 2022? Let us know in the comments.



We all have hope 

Hope to live better 

Hope to be better 

Hope for India’s win

In the last nail-biting over 

Hope in Harry’s dream 

When he follows Voldemort

Hope in Dan’s eyes 

Every time he visits Shiuli in October 

Hope in Little Prince’s words

Whenever he talked about his rose

It is such a strong word


Hope of spring sunshine 

After gloomy winter 

Hope of monsoon rain 

After torrid summer

Hope of autumn colors 

After grey monsoon clouds 

It is a positive emotion 


Shining eyes filled with faith 

Radiant smiles with confidence 

Calm mind with reliance 

Ever trusting heart with credence 

Bear bunny hug of assurance 

I hope, he had his lunch 

I hope, she didn’t miss her bus

Hope of someone waiting at home

Of friendly face wherever you roam 

Small care, a small thought 

Hope in silly ideas

Faith in big dreams 

Both are strongly connected 

Because with hope comes the belief

With belief comes faith 

Faith enables us to trust 

When tightly knit them all

We get a cozy blanket of


Love for the universe...

Love for others...

Love for self...

           - Kaajal 

With love,


Location of Panam reservoir :        



  1. Lovely place, pictures abd write up 👍👌

  2. Certainly the place gives the feeling of peace . Calmness is what one needs after a hectic work loaded week.
    Pictures does not fulfill the beauty of place , but they sre sureky alluring. Kids are amazing cute sweet💞
    The poem is just WOW. Hope is the thing which enlightens the day n gie positive attitude ahead , to overcome the chaos
    Just love reading your safar ith sasha.
    Waiting for more.
    Best of wishes for more excursions 💐

  3. āŠļāŠ°āŠļ... āŠĄેāŠļ્āŠŸિāŠĻેāŠķāŠĻ āŠ›ે.. āŠ…āŠĻે āŠŪાāŠ°ી āŠœોāŠŽ āŠĶāŠ°āŠŪ્āŠŊાāŠĻ āŠŪાāŠ°ે āŠēુāŠĢાāŠĩાāŠĄા āŠĩāŠ°્āŠ•િંāŠ— āŠŪા āŠœāŠĩાāŠĻું āŠĨāŠĪું āŠđāŠĪું āŠĪ્āŠŊાāŠ°ે āŠŠાāŠĻāŠŪ āŠĄેāŠŪ āŠœāŠĩાāŠĻો āŠŪોāŠ•ો āŠŪāŠģ્āŠŊો āŠđāŠĪો.. āŠŠāŠĢ āŠ…āŠĪ્āŠŊાāŠ°ે āŠĪો āŠ–ૂāŠŽ āŠļુંāŠĶāŠ° āŠĩિāŠ•ાāŠļ āŠĨāŠŊો āŠ›ે āŠĪેāŠĩું āŠēાāŠ—ે āŠ›ે. āŠĪેāŠŪ āŠ›āŠĪાં āŠœો āŠŪāŠēાāŠĪāŠœ āŠœāŠĩાāŠĻો āŠŪોāŠ•ો āŠŪāŠģે āŠĪો āŠŽāŠĻાāŠĩāŠķો āŠĪ્āŠŊાં āŠŪāŠ—āŠ°(crocodile) āŠĻું āŠĪāŠģાāŠĩ āŠ›ે āŠ…āŠĻે āŠļāŠĩાāŠ°ે 7.00 āŠĩાāŠ—્āŠŊા āŠŠāŠđેāŠēા āŠ…āŠĻે āŠļાંāŠœ 5.00 āŠŠāŠ›ી āŠ•િāŠĻાāŠ°ે āŠŪોāŠŸી āŠļંāŠ–્āŠŊા āŠŪા āŠŪāŠ—āŠ° āŠ†āŠĩે āŠ›ે ...āŠāŠĩું āŠ•āŠđેāŠĩાāŠŊ āŠ›ે āŠ•ે āŠ†āŠœ āŠļુāŠ§ી āŠ†.āŠŪāŠ—āŠ° āŠĨāŠˆ āŠ•ોāŠˆ āŠŠāŠĢ āŠŦેāŠŸāŠē āŠđુāŠŪāŠēો āŠ•ે āŠđાāŠĻિ āŠĨāŠˆ āŠĻāŠĨી .. āŠŽીāŠœું āŠļ્āŠĨાāŠĻ āŠ•āŠĻેāŠĩાāŠē āŠēેāŠ• āŠ›ે āŠĪે āŠ§āŠ°્āŠŪāŠœ āŠĪાāŠ°ાāŠŠુāŠ° āŠŪાāŠ°્āŠ— āŠŠāŠ° āŠ›ે āŠœ્āŠŊાં āŠŽāŠ°્āŠĄ āŠĩ્āŠŊુ āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠŠ્āŠ°āŠšāŠēિāŠĪ āŠ›ે.āŠļāŠ°āŠ•ાāŠ° āŠĶ્āŠĩાāŠ°ા.āŠ‡āŠ•ો āŠŸૂāŠ°િāŠļāŠŪ āŠĄāŠĩāŠēāŠŠ āŠĨāŠŊું āŠĪેāŠŪāŠœ āŠĨોāŠĄુંāŠ• āŠŽોāŠŸીંāŠ— āŠŠāŠĢ āŠĨાāŠŊ āŠ›ે āŠ…āŠĻે āŠĪāŠģાāŠĩ āŠŪા āŠĩāŠš્āŠšે āŠĻેāŠĻો āŠ†āŠ‡āŠēેāŠĻ્āŠĄ āŠœેāŠĩું āŠ›ે āŠ…āŠĻે āŠŪāŠ§્āŠŊāŠŪ āŠ•āŠ•્āŠ·ા āŠĻો āŠ°ેāŠļ્āŠŸોāŠ°āŠĻ્āŠŸ āŠŠāŠĢ āŠ›ે .āŠ•āŠĶાāŠš āŠŽાāŠģāŠ•ો āŠĻે āŠ—āŠŪāŠķે.

    1. āŠđા, āŠļāŠ°āŠļ āŠĄેāŠĩેāŠēāŠŠ āŠĨāŠŊું āŠ›ે. āŠšોāŠ•્āŠ•āŠļ. āŠ…āŠŪે āŠ†āŠĩી āŠĻāŠĩી āŠĻāŠĩી āŠœāŠ—્āŠŊા āŠķોāŠ§āŠĪા āŠœ āŠđોāŠˆāŠ āŠ›ીāŠ. āŠœāŠĢાāŠĩāŠĩા āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠ–ૂāŠŽ āŠ–ૂāŠŽ āŠ†āŠ­ાāŠ°. 🙏🏞🙏🏞 āŠĪ્āŠŊાં āŠœāŠˆāŠĻે āŠŠāŠ›ી āŠŽ્āŠēોāŠ— āŠēāŠ–ીāŠķું.

    2. Thank u uncle 🙏🏞


Ajwa Dam Reservoir: Old is Gold

Ajwa Dam Reservoir: Old is Gold                                    Hi,                             We hope you all are good and enjoying the...