Sunday, March 27, 2022

Triund - In the Lap of Dhauladhar Range

Triund - In the Lap of Dhauladhar Range



        So if you all are following our Instagram page you must be knowing that last weekend we were at Dharamshala. The reason to select Dharamshala for a long weekend holiday was only one... we wanted to do our first Himalayan trek. There are five main treks from Dharamshala and the easiest of all is Triund. And that's the reason it is most widely done. 


         And here we are after doing almost 13 km of trekking and coming back home and typing this on Saturday night,  a week after my trek but still smiling wide from ear to ear...The snow-capped mountains do that to you. They are like the best intoxicants in the world. You don't want to go ahead. You don't want to get down. All you will get is peace and solemn. 

Did we find it? - Oh yes!

Are we missing it? Definitely!

And are we going again? Already planned!

         Now regarding the trek. It is the most famous trek and you will get many touring companies and guide in McLeod Ganj. On Instagram also there are many pages you can follow and ask them if you want to plan ahead. The trail is well marked for DIY trekkers. There are three routes to Triund. 

- Galludevi (official and more scenic)

- Bhagsu Naag temple (most widely used)

- Bangotu 

      We really don't know about Bangotu route but our guide was telling us that it has narrow trails. We started our trek from Dharamkot road. We walked around half a km to reach Heena Cafe where our guide met us. He is a young man with great enthusiasm and tremendous love for mountains.  We could not have finished this trek without him. There were other guides around but the care and concern he showed for us as well as kids were admirable. We had already planned our trek before coming to Dharamhsala but according to them, the Galludevi route was closed due to snow. So the trek was going to be from Bhagsu Naag only. But thanks to the reception guy at Karma Exotica, who insisted we do it from the Gallu Devi route as it is more picturesque and with different views at every turn, we contacted Mr. Gaurav from Himachal Hills Adventure and we found our guide Mr. Deep Bhardwaj. 



       The initial trail from Heena cafe to Triund check post is a little steep and will test your stamina for the trail ahead. But once you cross the checkpoint you will enter another world with a beautiful valley on your side and red rhododendron flowers welcoming you, motivating you to go further and further. Do taste them and eat them along the trail. They are true energy boosters.      



             Halfway along the trail, you will get a small cafe (Magic View Cafe) where you can refill your water and have mountain wali Maggie. But don't forget to have a cup of coffee there. It was pure bliss!! 




           And a little ahead of the trail we got our first snow. The kids were completely flabbergasted. Shaurya didn't want to go ahead. But once he came to know that there will be much more snow on the top his speed had no bound. From there it was like we were different individuals. We passed the last 22 sharp u-turns and steep climbs easily all thanks to kids' excitement and eagerness. At places, the trail was slippery with few people turning back but our kiddos were true motivators for us. 





               And once we reach the summit, the feeling is ineffable. On one side there was a pleasing Kangra valley and on the other side, there were snow-covered stupifying Dhauladhar mountains. It envelops many emotions.  And that's why I am not going to write about it here. There is a small cafe at the top that provides Maggie, Dal Rice, and Omelette. 




           After spending an hour or two at the top we started to descend as our base camp was 1.5 km down. We were meeting many people on the way coming up from Bhagsu Route. 



           The campsite is well managed. They provide you tents and sleeping bags and arrange all for you. They also provide scrumptious dinner and basic breakfast. You can also do a bonfire at night. we missed the sunset view because of clouds but it must be amazing. But don't forget to get up early to view the breathtaking sunrise. The rising sun was playing peekaboo with us due to clouds but nevertheless, it was terrific. 





         The descent is quite easy with rocky steps and well-marked trails. You will get a few cafes along the trail and one campsite at Mana. 

         Bhagsu Nag waterfall is overcrowded and after the peaceful atmosphere of Triund Top and the trail, you might not want to spend time here. 

        So this was a summary of our experience. we will not lie. It was tiring for us... and as I am the least fit among the four of us I am still getting leg cramps. Did we sleep well in the tent? The answer is No... but kids did. 

         But was it worth it? then the answer is YES... YES...YES...

Triund trek - Distance - depends on where you start but overall from Galludevi it is a 6.5 km climb. 

Difficulty level - Easy. Can be tricky and slippery at places due to snow.

The altitude of Triund - 9278 ft

Points to consider: 

1) You will get hot food along the trail and at the top so don't take many things with you. But do take adequate water bottles. 

2) We also need proper trekking or sports shoes for a good grip as few trails have snow and on the Bhagsu route the path is rocky and sometimes slippery. 

3) Take trekking poles with you. they are invaluable. 

4) Take warm inners as well as jackets even if you are going in spring or autumn as it gets really chilly at night. 

5) this can be done as a day trek also and without a guide. 

6) There is one forest guesthouse at the top that can be booked online. However, I was not able to do it.

7) Triund is also the mid-point to many amazing treks like - the Snowline trek, Lahesh cave, Laka Glaciar trek, and Indrahar pass. 

8) Cost of camping- 900-1100 rs/person  

Contact numbers: 

    Himachal Hills Adventure: 8352020027 / 9459343376

    Mr. Deep Bhardwaj : 8894108173


Thank you.



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