Sunday, June 19, 2022

Dayara Bugyal : Green Gigantic Grassland of Garhwal Himalayas

Dayara Bugyal: Green Gigantic Grassland of Garhwal Himalayas                       



         So after last week's super-duper lengthy blog, you all must have thought that I will take a little break. Right? I also thought the same. See how well you all know me. But I am so exhilarated by this place that I had to write about it soon. This is our first Himalayan trek with an altitude above 10,000 feet.  Have I caught your attention now? Great...Let's climb up and see what we have achieved...

        After planning the Dzukou trip in May, Sheel wanted to do one more trek for this summer. He is addicted to it, I tell you.  Some people say travel is the healthiest addiction but for Sheel, trekking with kids is. And that's how we confirmed our Dayara Bugyal trek which is the perfect summer trek with kids. Vast meadows, Gangotri, and Yamunotri range on either side and dense forest trails. What more do we need? 


         Thomas Edison’s last words were: “ It is very beautiful over there.” It is a mystery for us all which place he was telling. But I think I found one.  Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder but when the place is like this, whoever the person is, he/she can not,  not feel anything. ‘Ek ajib sa sukoon’…that’s the phrase that can define the peace of Dayara Bugyal. 

       Bugyals are alpine pasture lands at high altitudes (3000-4000 mts) as per the local Garhwal dialect. There are 21 such Bugyals in Uttarakhand- Auli Bugya, Bedni Bugyal, Gidara, Chopta, and Gorson a few of them. 


                     We went via Tehri dam while going to Barsu

         If you are on the Gangotri route, then after driving appx 40 km from Uttarkashi, instead of going straight, you take a sharp left turn and you will come to village Barsu, nestled in the laps of the Himalayas with the Gangotri range overlooking the village with their mightiness.  At the entrance of the Barsu village, there is a small Homestay on your right side welcoming you with its beautiful cottages and small trail-like entrance. 


          The location couldn’t be more beautiful and amazing than this.  From your room window and from the balcony, from the small dining room, and from the small garden you can see Mighty Gangotri ranges. The rooms are very tidy with clean bathrooms. The most amazing thing is the stream passing just behind the rooms. So you can hear the slow soothing hum of water whenever you are in the room. What more do we need? We have gigantic snowy mountains on one side and a small little stream on another side. 


        We reached there late evening. And after early dinner, we called it a quick night though we do not have to leave before 9'o clock in the morning for our trek to Barnala. Yes, Barnala is the first stop in the Dayara Bugyal trek, if you are going from the Barsu side.  




       Trek to the Baranala is very steep but well marked and paved. It is through the dense forest. When we think of forest we think about tall trees and eerie silence..but not here. Though the forest is dense with oak, maple, and rhododendrons, the sound of the forest stole our hearts. We were accompanied by the continuous chirping of birds, telling us that we are not alone on this journey. But other than that the most remarkable sound we felt was the soothing melodies of cow bells. You can not see the cows in your vicinity but they influence your steps and guide your path. We literally recorded those sounds to calm our racing minds once we are back in our chaotic city life. 





       You will reach the verdant campsite of Barnala. We camped in the meadows between the lower Barnala campsite and Barnala lake. This campsite is more isolated than the lower one because there you will find some shepherds' huts and forest officers' cottages. It has the quietude and beautiful scenery you need.  We camped here for two days. Barnala is also a small meadow with a beautiful lake and attractive Nagraj Temple. while climbing down the lady from the lower Barnala shepherd's hut gave us 'Mathha', buttermilk rich in butter, it was delicious.



                         She gave us her delicious Mathha

         The next day we started early as we wanted to do Dayara Bugyal with the Bakaria summit.  Now you have to climb a steep mountain among the forest with a carpet of brown leaves crackling under your feet. Here along the entire trail, the Gangotri ranges will have your back, giving you incentives to reach the top and have a better view of them. And once you reach the Dayara base camp the enormous Himalayan peaks will seem like at a hailing distance from you.  You will find a few huts here. They are planning to start homestay there and were preparing for the same. You can get tea and biscuits here. But you will be more interested in the views... 


                                Dayara base camp 




        From here there is a paved path, you have to take the right one and after a while, you will enter the world of wild meadows and pastures... You can see lush greenery till your eyes go and after that blue clear sky with mountain peaks...The enormity of Himalayan peaks is balanced by luxuriant verdure. And as it was summer, entire meadows were covered with small yellow and white flowers as if we were seeing an intricately woven carpet. The grass and flowers were dancing to the tunes of the gentle wind, giggling and wiggling and the animals of the meadow cows, horses, mules, and sheep were listening to these melodies and grazing lazily...





     You might want to remove your shoes and just run wildly in the tender meadows... We did! Infinite undulating hills covered with green grass and ubiquitous massive peaks like Bandarpooch and Kala Naag on your left and Gangotri 1,2,3, Shrikanth, Draupadi ka Danda on your right... We had one special companion... little Sheru, he was with us from Barnala till the summit. He never left a side of our younger one. 



       Once we reached the summit our enthralment has no bound. We were tired yet energized. We were silent, yet our eyes spoke volumes. We were sitting apart yet it felt like we were hugging ourselves and those snowy mountains, they were that close...I may sound repetitive but you will be in a dilemma about where to look? On one side there is a deep valley overlooking the villages, on another side sloping flourishing meadows shining brightly in sunlight and a semicircle view of gigantic peaks popping like giant fluffy ice cream cones. 





        While coming down we took another way of Bugyal to complete the circle. from there also there is a beautiful view of the valley with villages. this way you will come to the left side of the shepherds' huts at Dayara basecamp. 


                                Back to homestay Barsu

           This was all thanks to Mr. Ravi Ravat, owner of Dayara Bugyal Sarai. He is an amazing man with a kind heart and a passion to do something for his community and he has done it. He has done many. While listening to his experiences we truly feel inspired. 



                      Homestay dining hall with Mr Ravi Ravat

        He has also arranged Dayara Bugyal Trek for us. From getting permission from the forest department to our tents, cook, and mule. He has managed everything perfectly. The cook Mr. Dipak has provided us a hot fresh meal at Barnala campsite. And how can we forget those Pakodas and soup after our tiring descent from the Dayara summit. 


                                  Entire team

         He has sent one of his best guides with us because we had kids. Mr. Manish. He took utmost care of our children, from holding their hands to playing with them while on the trail and making them understand the forest and mountain rules and etiquette, he has done everything with such ease that we were astonished.   


                            Our guide Mr Manish

         How can we forget little Sheru (another one), the endearing dog at Bugyal Sarai. Our younger one has become his big fan. 

       So thank you so much Raviji, for your superb hospitality and your care and support. We will visit this place again and again… 



                      While returning we stopped at Maneri Dam

Terrain type:  Grassland in the Bugyal and forest trails while climbing. 

Difficulty level: Easy to Moderate - apart from steep climb the trail is very well made and maintained. 

Total distance :

         Barsu to Barnala: 5 km

         Barnala to Bugyal: 6 km

         Bakaria top : 3 km

Altitude : 

      Barsu -  7400 feet

      Barnala - 9880 feet 

      Dayara Bugyal  - 11,393 feet

      Bakaria top - 12,000 feet

Best time to visit:

       As per guides and local people, the Dayara trek can be done all throughout the year except Monsoon. according to our cook, the best time is Autumn for the best views of the mountains as we have a clear sky and crisp air. but if we are going with kids then summer is the best time because of the pleasant weather and lush green meadows. and the meadows turn into Christmasy wonderland in winter with green grassy landscape metamorphoses into the white snowy carpet and it is becoming a popular skiing destination also.  

What to pack:  

        Though we went in summer, nights in the Himalayas are always cold so please pack accordingly you will need at least two warm layers and a jacket. Keep poncho also with you. 

         If you are planning to go in the winter then you have to take more layers with thermal. 

Associated treks: 

- Dodital

- Siyari Bugyal

- Gidara Bugyal 

These three treks can be done as an extension to the Dayara trek. 


           So, the trek made us aware of how tiny we are in the universe. We can feel the vibrations of the universe, of Mother Earth, of mountains, rivers, and fellow creatures. Lastly, we ask ourselves whether these vibrations are part of us or are we part of them? 


Thank you.

See you next week. 

Contact number of Dayara Bugyal Sarai (Barsu) - 

                       Mr.Ravi Ravat 9917728363

Location of Dayara Bugyal sarai -


  1. Good that you ALL enjoyed the Nature. 3 cheers for your enthusiasm.

  2. Very well written kajal. You have inspired me.

    1. thank you so much... your comments are my motivation..

  3. Being in and with nature is always a blessing!!! Great writeup!!!


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