Sunday, June 5, 2022

Trekking with kids: how to start?

Trekking with kids: how to start? 

               It was not like we were a hiking family just before a year. And it is not like that now also. But one thing is common between us - love for nature and love for the outdoors. What we really needed was getting out of that digital bubble and getting out of the routine week life. We need to take them out because during the lockdown and COVID waves kids were (and me also) getting used to virtual entertainment. 
           That one TV show 
           That one movie 
           That one Netflix series 
           That one new game 
     All these were making us crippled in a way that can be changed only by going close to Mother Nature. So we felt that it is imperative to develop a new routine - create an un-routinely routine - which was our Sunday mornings or evenings. 

        In the back of our minds, the idea was to train them for Himalayan treks. But for that, we have to start somewhere. And I am going to share where to start and how? 

1) Consistency is the key: 
                 What our kids love is routine. They fear the unknown while they flourish in their comfort zone. Change is very important and valuable for the learning process but they adapt to routine well. I have a pile of books on parenting (I haven't read all of them and got depressed after reading most of them). But one thing I had learned from all those books was - consistency. So if you are planning to train them for the trek, you have to follow it in that also. They may get bored, they may get tired but the end result will be fulfilling for them and for you.  For us, now they are adapted to Sunday mornings. If we are not going for some reason they want to compensate it somehow. Come rain or shine we will go is their motive now. 


2) Make trek fun:
                  No kid wants to climb a mountain or walk endlessly. It is intimidating, so they have to have some fun elements in them. The same was happening with our kiddos. The initial time of trek or climb is easy, their excitement and curiosity will take them automatically. But sometimes those won't be enough.  We collect the twigs, spot the insects, and hug the trees on the trail. So we, ok Sheel, have found a way to keep them engaging at the first sign of tiredness - tell them stories, stories about our childhood, our parent's childhood, or anyone. And when we were in short of those stories we started telling stories of series and cartoons of our time (because definitely that gain their attention immediately) - Street Hawk to Vikram Betaal, Bakor Patel to Chacha Chaudhary, our kids have known all these characters during our treks only. Their recent attraction is stories of old cricket matches. We just need to tell all about the exciting innings of Sachin Tendulkar or Anil Kumble and we will reach the destination in no time.  And let them be a storyteller also. Our younger one likes to have turns. So we also know much about Marvel and Disney stories now but end up getting mixed up all characters in the end. See, isn't it the great time for bonding with our kids. We can get them to ourselves with no friends calling them for outdoor play and no pending homework eating their sorry our heads. 


3) Start with as simple as it can be:
              Don't overwhelm them with a mountain climb directly. Take baby steps. Start with small. A stroll along the farms and fields. Walk on the beach. Make it a fun learning process for you as well as for them. Without telling them that they are getting trained, let them enjoy their progress. We used to do the same. We park our car on the highway and start walking whenever we feel that the place is looking great for a walk. 


4) Rewards Rewards Rewards:
                 Kids thrive for them. We always encourage them with" Yes! few more steps", " We are almost there", and " Count your steps, after 50 steps we are taking a break." These are the regular phrases you will hear if you are doing a trek with us. Many of our family members and friends felt that we are trying hard. But it is ok. They got irritated in the heat of Narmada parikrama, and they also felt tired during the hike of Tungai Hills. But they completed it eventually and they felt accomplished. And to do that keep some rewards handy, for the trek in your backpack. That Skittles or Mentos which you are not allowing them regularly. Their favorite chips packets motivate them to go ahead. and keep those things as a surprise for them. If Shaurya knows what's there in our backpack from the beginning he will ask it from the moment we start our trek.  So we always keep them as a surprise. 


5) Get them involved:

                    Right from choosing a destination to packing their bags, keep them involved in all. Once or twice it has happened with us that we couldn't decide where to go even when we sat in the car at 4'o clock in the morning. We had 2-3 options and because all of us wanted to explore different places, we had finalized at the last moment when Sheel needed to choose the turn. Watch vlogs and youtube videos of the destinations with them. Our Triund trek was finalized by vlogs only. Shaurya was so fascinated watching vlogs on Ttriund and Thatharna that he wanted to do any one of them. Ask them about what food they want to eat when you reach the destination, sandwiches or thepla, wraps or muffins. And the most important of all is make let them lead. Encourage them to go ahead and find a trail for you. They love being a leader, it gives them immense satisfaction that you are following them. 

6) Don't try too hard. 

          They have a lot more energy than us and their stamina is always more still take it with pinch of salt because what they lack is concentration and consistent energy. Their energy is like shooting stars, always in bursts. If they are tired and cranky and if you have to come from half of the hike, then also it's okay. Don't try too hard. There is always next time. But it should not be at such a point that they start hating it.  Make them understand the value of the environment and mother nature. But we have observed that these things they understand themselves. We don't have to make them understand certain things once we start going regularly. Mother nature takes care of that and imbibes them with these values. 


7) Breaks and more breaks 

                   One mantra we have learned in the last year is if you want to have a successful hike, take as many breaks as they want. Just keep them short. Small water break. Small find a bug break. Small photo break. Small pat a dog break. Let them have all. They will notice more during these breaks only. Let them talk with fellow trekkers. We have noticed that they have become good conversation starters. They initiate it more confidently after each and every trek. and most of them happen during such breaks. And Satva wants to have a pic with each one of them. 


8) Guides are invaluable:
            DIY treks are fun but when we are with kids and family safety is our main concern. So always take guides with you whenever possible. Your guides can be 10-year-old kids also. But if he is knowing the trail and he is going on that trail regularly he will be more confident than you. Our kids always enjoy the company of guides. They always want to hike with them only. In Surwani waterfall trail and Tungai hills, our guides were local school kids and they enjoyed walking ahead with them, climbing on tree branches, and skipping on stones. During Triund and Dzukou Valley treks our guides were college students and they enjoyed immensely with them also. 

 So, this is it. These are our tested and tried tricks since last year and a half. I hope they will be useful to you too. 
We have observed that we and our kids have changed significantly after each and every trek as an individual and as a family.  We have learned some invaluable lessons during our treks. So as they say, 
       "When life gives you a mountain, 
     put on your boots and hike. "


We started with small trails near to Vadodara and in the last 6 months we have done 3 well known treks: 

- Triund , Mcleaoganj 

- Dzukou valley , Nagaland (blog is coming soon) 

- Dayara Bugyal, Uttarakhand (just finished yesterday) 

So if we can do it, you all can. 

That’s it. 
See you next week. 

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