Sunday, May 1, 2022

Dabka Camp Bungalow: Majestic Heritage Chalet with river view

Dabka Camp Bungalow: Majestic Heritage Chalet with river view



Hello all, 

“I Love Places That Remind Me How Small Me And My Problems Actually Are.”

                I feel rivers and mountains are these places. Their heights and their depths made us feel so infinitesimal under the vastness of the sky.  It was that type of Sunday morning for us. Kids didn't want to join us as they were super tired on Saturday night. And for the first time, Sheel and I went together for our Sunday fun!




          And we have selected a place that is nearby and yet peaceful - Camp Bungalow in Dabka. It is an old camping heritage property for the Royal Gaekwad family. It is said that the king used to come here for hunting on his birthday. The heritage bungalow is not maintained properly apart from just daily cleaning by the staff of the royal family. Still, the place is very scenic and open to all. 



        The bungalow has unique verandah with amazingly carved wooden brackets on both sides. And what can I say about the river! The river is so calm and serene with a gentle wind hugging you tightly and surroundings engulfing you in their serenity. There are small adjacent trails that can take you down up to the river. Who wants to dwell in routine life hustle-bustle when they can meditate in places like this? 



In the vastness of the deep blue sky

I felt lost 

In the dense green forest 

I felt lost 

On the magnificent mountain peak

I felt the same

Deep dives into the ocean also

Couldn’t shake that feeling

But still

These are the places where 

I have found myself

Lost but still me

Confused and perplexed 

But still me

and these are the places 

where I have accepted 

me as me...

Sitting on a chair writing this 

Viewing outside from a window 

Birds drinking water from the pot

Splashing themselves 

fluttering their wings

Constantly on the guard 

Waiting to fly 

Splattering water droplets 

What's there in their minds?

Are they self-conscious like me?

Are they worried about the future?

Are they dwelling in the past?

Or lost just like me?

And suddenly, 

I want to be that water droplet 

Which fell upon the ground 

Calming the bird 

In scorching heat

Satisfying its burning throat 


Yet significant 

In a magnificent way…

                      - Kaajal

thank you all,

with lots of love 


Location of the Bungalow.




Ajwa Dam Reservoir: Old is Gold

Ajwa Dam Reservoir: Old is Gold                                    Hi,                             We hope you all are good and enjoying the...